A.k.a. What to do When You Have No Idea What to Wear

So, no matter how many times I have gotten up in the morning and gotten myself dressed, I still get up and stare into my closet absolutely clueless at least twice a week. This is how is the process I go through to try and get myself out of the fog of having nothing to wear in a room absolutely littered with clothes and build a great outfit.

Step 1: Commit to 1 Piece

I know this is hard but you are only committing to 1 piece, not the whole outfit. In order to do this decide on one major aspect of the outfit: Do you want to be comfortable? Do you need to be warm? Are you trying to stick out? Or would you be more comfortable blending in? Honestly, sometimes it comes down to the type of undergarments that I feel like wearing that day (Which could totally count as the committed piece by the way). This piece does not have to be the main focal point of the outfit, but this is the piece that you look at and know you want to wear today.

This shirt is one of my favorites!

Step 2: Add the Next Main Piece

Unless you are going to leave the house in one piece, there is still work to do. The next step is to choose another big piece to complete the outfit. If you chose your best go-to top, then this is when you decide on the bottoms. On the other hand, if you went for the jeans hold everything just right, this is your chance to pick a top that helps them with all of that work. (If you are looking for great jeans try wide leg jeans for 2020!)

With a button closure and wide leg how could I go wrong?

The problem with this step is that, sometimes the second piece I choose takes the place of that first pieces as my commitment piece. It happens more than I could share without risking the lose of the credibility of my system. The main thing you need to know is that there is no shame in repeating the first two steps until you have two solid pieces of your outfit.

Step 3: Rounding Out the Outfit

Hopefully by the time you get to this step, I hope you are wearing a top and a bottom, so you should be ready to finish up. This is when you look in the mirror (and out the window) to figure out what this outfit needs to really work. Does this outfit need a jacket? Can you wear those cute flats or is it a boots day? Does it just need Something? (If it just needs that special Something, try a duster coat or some special shoes.) If you started out with something like a pair of shoes and moved up to the pants, this is when you finish the out fit off.

For those of you wondering, I painted these shoes.

Step 4: Accessorize

Now, this step varies in use and maybe if I was a better person I would take the time to consider a new pair of earrings for each outfit and try wearing one of the necklaces I bought thinking I could wear it with so many different outfits, but instead I am lucky if I can get myself out of the house with both shoes on. If you have the time or are more inclined to change your accessories more than once a week, this is when you can look in the mirror and decide on whether you want to wear the hoops or go straight for the statement necklace. This is just another opportunity to get creative so keep having fun!

I actually accessorized today.

Step 5: Document the Success

I’m not saying this has to be the best mirror selfie you have ever taken or that you have to shake it like a Polaroid picture for your story. What I’m saying is, hopefully at this point you have a great outfit that you feel totally confident in and would like to wear again next time you are running around like a chicken without a head because you can’t decide what to wear. You just need a reference to this outfit so feel free to snap a dark, grainy shot and run out the door. (If you really prefer, you could always take a note of what you put together, but the visual aid helps you remember the full look in action.)

The most important step in putting together an outfit though, is to be confident. Forget about anyone else’s opinions or any other fears and try to please yourself. I guarantee the best outfits come when you feel best in them and not every outfit has to be a total showstopper or absolutely timeless. Remember: You’re never fully dressed without a smile!
